When you have exchanged your Kadonation voucher for Bol.com, you need to follow the steps below to activate it:
The Bol.com voucher you received first needs to be added to your personal Bol.com account.
You can add your code to your account when you are logged in at Bol.com as follows:
- You click on the right on 'Account overview' and then on 'Gift vouchers'.
- There you can add the voucher by entering the 19-digit code in the first box.
- Then you indicate the blue plus sign, there you enter the enclosed PIN code.
- Once the voucher is added, it is automatically available at the payment methods, when you want to finalize a purchase.
Some tips:
- Wait until the bol.com website is fully loaded before you upload the voucher and pincode. Otherwise you will receive the message that a technical error has occurred.
- Should you buy something with the voucher, and return the item afterwards, the value of your voucher will be reloaded. This may take a while.
- If you interrupt a bol.com order, and it seems that your voucher has been used while you certainly have not used the value of the voucher, it can also take a while before the value is placed back on your voucher.
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